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Proceed to in a sentence

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Sentence count:111+3Posted:2017-10-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: proceedproceedsproceedingproceed withproceedingsproceed againstfeed toprocess
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61. This being done, let's proceed to the next.
62. Proceed to one of the shopping centre at Batu Pahat.
63. I was told to proceed to Door No. 25 of Terminal 2 at Shanghai's Pudong International Airport, where I found a slim forty-three-year-old man in a gray tweed overcoat and rectangular glasses.
64. There are too many of them flying right now, they overcrowd the scene so proceed to erase some of them in order to maintain balance.
65. Perhaps, I said, she might begin with a special pipe smoker's chair, and then proceed to a pipe rack , pipe cabinet, and assorted pipe tools.
66. Attlee lied. The People's Liberation Army gave no permission to the Amethyst to proceed to Nanking.
67. Assemble at KLIA for your flight to Taipei Taoyuan International Airport. Upon arrival , proceed to hotel.
68. After you decide upon the directory structure in UCM, you can proceed to export the data from VSS.
69. Month, quarter in establishment in inside in year an accounting statement, needs to do to try to calculate with adjust the journalize, doing not proceed to settle an account.
70. Chaoyangmen is a transfer station, passengers for Line 6 please proceed to lower platform.
71. We proceed to Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, and The Houses of Parliament.
72. Afterwards proceed to the research and development of interactive network teaching system.
73. Once the target program has been downloaded, you may proceed to step through it, set breakpoints, and so on.
74. After inspection, the contestant shall proceed to the Coach's area with one coach and one team doctor or a physiotherapist (if any).
75. He would stride on stage then proceed to coax the sweetest possible sounds out of his violin.
76. If time permits, we can proceed to visit Corgi , guests will have opportunity to buy the finest knitwear products.
77. In spite of our warnings, we will now proceed to document the actions you can take to dramatically improve the security isolation of applications within a cell.
78. Proceed to the Kelenanap ox- bow lake for a short jungle walk (if weather permits). Experience the wilderness of Borneo.
79. Mostly because they failed to work through what Seth Godin identifies as "The Dip" and proceed to misconstrue community values and attitudes.
80. The man would drop his reins, go to the back of the wagon, bisect a hundred-pound block with his pick, swing half of it to his shoulder pad with his tongs[], and proceed to someone's back door.
81. So, to proceed to the pricing decision of medical treatment service must be done on the way of pricing decision by government.
82. The General Manager and the Security Manager will proceed to the Emergency Command Centre (PABX Room) to give command on the evacuation.
83. Amend routing instructions: proceed to KC direct at 4500 m.
84. Proceed to call the key-unsafe function, with the link register set, so that the called function returns to the next step below.
85. Once this capability has been demonstrated, China could proceed to docking the Shenzhou with a small space laboratory.
86. The operator would then proceed to encipher N in the same fashion, and so on.
87. We now proceed to the next item on the agenda.
88. If you have the correct printer driver installed on your Windows client, you can proceed to install that printer and use it over the network.
89. I have therefore irrevocably decided to proceed to initial the agreement.
90. The writer should then proceed to explain the circumstances which caused the trouble, but he should not make too obvious an attempt to justify his failure to give satisfaction.
More similar words: proceedproceedsproceedingproceed withproceedingsproceed againstfeed toprocessprocedurein processproceduralprocessedprocessordue processprocessionprocessingprocessionalfood processorin the process ofword processorword processingmicroprocessordue process of lawmedical procedureservice of processbiological processbessemer processcentral processing unitused toget used to
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